Larry's Pizza Shoot

Filed under: by: Unknown

Okay, so after failing the first attempt (IMO), I setup a different time/date to shoot some pizza shots for Larry and Greg of Larry's Pizza.

This time, I think I did MUCH better.

Originally, this was going to be my entry into Dave's Boot Camp II, 2nd assignment. However, it's now overdue and I went ahead and submitted my hotdog shot taken back on the 4th of July.

Strobist Info:

SB800 (shoot through white umbrella) at camera Left, 1/8th power. Offbrand flash to rear of Pizza(s) and pointed slightly down, 1/8th power. Both gelled to match florescent lighting and triggered via Cactus triggers.

D90, 1/125, f8, ISO 200 and Nikkor 50mm 1.8D

Also, I've got my setup shots attached. Taken via iphone :D

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